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Privacy Policy

Techbloom India Pvt. Ltd. ( is strongly committed to protecting the privacy of its customers and has taken all necessary and reasonable measures to protect the confidentiality of the customer information and its transmission through the world wide web and it shall not be held liable for disclosure of the confidential information when in accordance with this Privacy Commitment or in terms of the agreements, if any, with the Customers.

Techbloom India Pvt. Ltd. ( endeavors to safeguard and ensure the security of the information provided by the Customer. In the course of using availing the products and services, we may become privy to the personal information of its customers, including information that is of a confidential nature.

The Customer would be required to cooperate with Techbloom India Pvt. Ltd. ( in order to ensure the security of the information, and it is recommended that the Customers choose their passwords carefully such that no unauthorized access is made by a third party. The Customers should undertake not to disclose their password to anyone or keep any written or other record of the password such that a third party could access it.

The Customer authorizes Techbloom India Pvt. Ltd. ( to exchange, share, part with all information related to the details and transaction history of the Customers to its Affiliates / banks / financial institutions / credit bureaus / agencies/participation in any telecommunication or electronic clearing network as may be required by law, customary practice, credit reporting, statistical analysis and credit scoring, verification or risk management and shall not hold Techbloom India Pvt. Ltd. ( liable for use or disclosure of this information.

By registering for or using the site or any platform or domain served by us, you signify your acceptance of this privacy statement. If you do not agree to this privacy statement, you cannot use the site.

We reserve the right to modify this Statement at any time by posting a notice on the Site’s home page. (If we consider it appropriate, we may also provide additional notice of significant changes). Your use of the Site after the date of the last modification indicates to us that you agree to the changes.


A cookie is a small data file, often including an anonymous unique identifier that is sent from a website’s computer and stored on your computer’s hard drive. Use of cookies is common on the Internet. A web site can send its own cookie to your browser if your browser’s preferences allow it, but (to protect your privacy) your browser permits a web site to access only the cookies it has already sent to you, not the cookies sent to you by other sites. You can configure your browser to accept all cookies, reject all cookies, or notify you when a cookie is sent. (Each browser is different, so check the “Help” menu of your browser to learn how to change your cookie preferences.) You can reset your browser to refuse all cookies or indicate when a cookie is being sent. But if you refuse cookies, some parts of the Site will not function properly and may not provide services or information you have requested. For example, without cookies, we will not be able to provide you with searches that you have asked us to save.

Our hosting services maintain their systems in accordance with reasonable industry standards to reasonably secure the information of its customers, such as using SSL encryption in certain places to prevent eavesdropping, and employing up-to-date software on the server. However, no data transmission over the Internet can be guaranteed to be 100% secure. “Perfect security” does not exist on the Internet, and you use the Site at your own risk.


The use of this website is governed by the general terms of usage of websites. In addition, Techbloom India Pvt. Ltd. ( retains all proprietary rights over the intellectual property and information made available to the user through this website.

Techbloom India Pvt. Ltd. ( recognizes all copyrights associated with its products and services. However, Techbloom India Pvt. Ltd. ( does not warrant the accuracy, completeness or reliability of the information or content contained herein and made available to the user; nor will Techbloom India Pvt. Ltd. ( be made liable for any losses incurred or investments made or other decisions taken/not taken based on the representations made or information provided hereunder.

Most browsers have an option for turning off the cookie feature, which will prevent your browser from accepting new cookies, as well as (depending on the sophistication of your browser software) allowing you to decide on acceptance of each new cookie in a variety of ways. We strongly recommend that you leave cookies active for the session on Techbloom India Pvt. Ltd. (, because they enable you to take advantage of the most attractive features of our Services.


We may receive confirmation when you open an account from us or open an email from us. We use this confirmation to improve our customer service and keep you informed of new services, changes and offerings.


We collect statistical information about how both unregistered and registered users, collectively, use the Services (“Aggregate Information“). We don’t store any of your financial account details or performances of your strategies.


As part of the Services, you may occasionally receive email and other communications from us, such as communications relating to your Account or new features or promotional activities related to Techbloom India Pvt. Ltd. (


We also reserve the right to access, read, preserve, and disclose any information as it reasonably believes is necessary to (i) satisfy any applicable law, regulation, legal process or governmental request, (ii) enforce the Terms of Service, including investigation of potential violations thereof, (iii) detect, prevent, or otherwise address fraud, security or technical issues, (iv) respond to user support requests, or (v) protect our rights, property or safety, our users and the public. This includes exchanging information with other companies and organizations for fraud protection and spam/malware prevention.